In-home and Clinical Respiratory Care
Our respiratory staff offers a wide variety of equipment, from the simplest nasal cannula to the most complex items in high-tech mechanical ventilation. When an emergency occurs, you can rely on our 24-hour on-call clinical support to address any case individually. Our services and expertise include, but are not limited to:
Chest Physiotherapy (CPT)
Postural Drainage (PD)
Mechanical Ventilation Monitoring
IPV Therapy
SpO2 Monitoring
Tracheostomy Change and Care
Spirometry/Pulmonary Function Test
Inhalation Therapy
Our team of respiratory therapists can communicate in different languages, such as Spanish, English, and Creole. We offer respiratory services every single day of the year with a full-time respiratory therapist on staff answering any of our clients' questions or concerns. We individualize respiratory therapy to meet our patient's medical needs and help them live healthier and feel better every day.
Our staff works diligently with physicians, nurses, case managers, social workers, discharge planners, and caregivers to determine the best treatments and respiratory care services for individuals with various clinical needs.
Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Sleep Apnea
Any Other Respiratory Related Issue
We Specialize in the Treatment of:
If you, your loved one, or someone you know suffers from a respiratory-related issue not mentioned above and needs assistance, please contact us by calling or emailing JKARE Miami. You can also contact us by pressing the button below.
JKARE Phone: 305-248-1003
JKARE Email:
Cystic Fibrosis
Chronic Asthma
ALS and Other Neuromuscular Diseases
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)